Thursday, August 6, 2009

Elyn is 1!!!

Elyn turned 1 a month ago. It was so hard for me to have him turn 1. I know that he didn't change much just a number but that fact that he his getting more and more independent scares me. He is not a baby anymore, he is a little boy.

So much has happened in the last couple of months, I'm sad that most the pictures I have of him growing up and are funny are on my phone that just crapped out on me. So future note for me "take pictures with the real camera!!!!"

Anyways back to Elyn... He has 6 teeth now, 4 on top and 2 cute little teeth on the bottom and let me tell you they HURT!! One of his favorite things to do when he is mad is to bite mom. He never bites Mark, only me.

His 1st birthday was fun! We had a small celebration at Lake Powell with the Morrell side and then we had a celebration on his birthday with the Brown side. He had a lot of fun. We celebrated his cousins Karson's 1st birthday the same day and they had a blast. They got a cake all to them selves to dig in. Karson was shoving the cake into his mouth and Elyn just played in it and flung it everywhere.

About 2 weeks ago we were up visiting Grandpa and Grandma Morrell and Elyn fell down the stairs for the first time. Horrible experience but he got over it in about 60 seconds and it took me a half hour. I guess some sense was knocked into him because he started to walk a half hour after he fell (which is why I got over the fall) :)

We went to CA to hang out with Mark while he was working and went to the Sequioa National Park and saw the really big trees. That was really cool! As you can see Mark doesn't seem like that big of a guy next to these trees.

Elyn is still trying the walking thing but perfers to crawl because it is faster but every day he gets more and more confident in walking and I'll catch him walking even with out us there to encourage him.

He is getting so big, it melts my heart when he says mommy. Even though a lot of things are mommy to him but it is nice to hear my name. It brings me even closer to him. He also says dadda, hi, no, and he did say nigh nigh once.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Here is a movie I made of Mom for Mother's Day. I heard this song and felt like I had to make it. Even though it was a very frustrating experience I loved every minute of it. This video is not ment to make you sad it is to encourage and make you feel good. That she is ok and that we don't need to worry 'bout her. I hope you enjoy this and please share this with any one that you think will benifit from it. Thanks, love Heidi.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Elyn is our Army boy

Lots are happening with our little boy! He has two teeth and at the same time he is doing the army crawl learning how to crawl on his hands and knees and he is starting to crawl around furniture! WOW! It's fun but hard to watch him grow up. He has been saying "mamama" but I think he is starting to get what it means. He now will say "mamma" and "dadda" and "no no" after I have said it a couple of times. He also has learned how to throw tantrums :( not so fun. The other day we were shoping at cosco with Cherish, Katie and their little girls and they have sample foods all over the place. Elyn was sitting next to Eva in the cart and stole Eva's chip and then screamed at me when I tried to give it back to her. He would grab it out of my hand before it got to Eva. So I gave in and gave it to him and the started going again and then he started to scream again! I look to see what his problem was and he dropped in on the ground. I can't believe food can cause this much issues in a 9 month old. He shouldn't be loving food that much already. Oh well he is he father's son.

Below I've posted some pictures and Videos of Elyn in his Army outfit doing his army crawl. Katie suggested I do this before he quit doing it and I'm so glad I took her advise. Thanks Kate!


He didn't like the grass so he wouldn't do the army crawl.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Time is flying by too fast, Elyn has his first tooth, and he can stand by himself now (only for acouple of seconds). He likes to stand up to things now but he hasn't quite figured out how to do that, so he screams at me until I pick him up and stand him next to whatever he wants to stand up to. I know spoiled kid! He has had a blast here living with Cherish and her family for a while, he loves Eva and always malls her, but she does it right back so it evens out. Eva loves to kiss Elyn, in Church she took Elyn's binki for him so she could kiss him on the lips. We will have to watch out for these kissing cousins. :) Elyn is getting so fast with his army crawl I forget how fast he is until he is almost in trouble. oops. But it is sure fun to watch him grow. Here are so more fun pictures.

Elyn in his cowboy outfit, boots and all.

Eva taking over Elyn's carseat as a Chair to watch TV
Elyn and Eva going down the Slide together.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Just some fun pictures

Elyn's drapes in his room.
Mark being weird

Elyn was haveing a hard time sleeping with some gas issues but Mark has the touch to get him to sleep, it was just to cute not to take a picture.

His cute Hair do.

Elyn chewing on a string on my shirt, his favorite thing to do.

Here is a fun video of him laughing make sure the volume is up!

Elyn is Crawling!

Here are some video's of Elyn crawling.

He's only in the army crawl/scoot but he is starting to get on his hands and knees to try and crawl that way. It's been a lot of fun watching him progress.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


An older picture of Granpa holding Elyn
Merry Christmas Everyone

One shot of the tounge, when he sticks it out further its even funnier

Another shot of the tounge

Mark, his nephew Karson who is 1 month older than Elyn, and Elyn

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Small Update

I know I just wrote but just some small things that are exciting.

Elyn has discovered his tounge and sticks it out all the time. It is pretty funny to watch, I am working on getting a picture of that so that will but up soon.

The other thing is he is saying Mama, I don't think he connects mama to me but he knows if he says mama he gets attention.

Like I said just some small updates.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Right before getting sealed

Such a cute family

Some of my sisters thought that Elyn looks like Sweet Pea off of Popeye, I think they are right

Catch up, what happened around the holidays

Sorry I haven’t written lately, just been busy. What’s new. December 6th Mark and I went to the temple and took our endowments out. Not only was that day exciting for the temple but it was busy and exciting for another reason. The night before we went out to dinner with my family and I had gotten steak stuck in my throat but didn’t know for a fact that it was stuck so all night I was throwing up trying to get it out. I didn’t get much sleep, then in the morning we went to the ER in American Fork. It turned out I would have to get put under anesthesia and a scope put down my throat, but the doctor that had to do it wouldn’t be there till 11 and we had to be to the Salt Lake Temple at 1:30. Any ways the whole procedure took only 15 minutes and we were able to get to the temple on time.

When we went to Panama, and on December 30th Mark, Elyn and I got to be sealed for time and all Eternity. But that’s not the end of the story. The morning we were suppose to get sealed I woke up with a stomach flu. I was really sick so Mark, Isaac, Casey, and I went to the store to get some coke and medicine, and Mark ended up buying beer also. Now don’t get the wrong idea. Mark was bumped into the beer and knocked off a 12 pack and had to buy it. Sadly he was wearing the same shoes at the store with the beer spilled on it as he was to the temple. Luckily they didn’t smell like beer when we went to the temple. Anyways about me being sick it was a testimony builder, once again something happening that could cause us not to be in the temple. I was really sick the whole 2 hour ride to the temple but as soon as I stepped foot into the temple my sickness was gone and I was just hungry, again.

Some new things that are happening with Elyn are he is now going from back to stomach and will stay on his hands and knees for a little. We just need him to start crawling. He teeth that were going up and down still have not broke through but they were trying again this week. He is laughing and is a chatter box. He is very happy and loves to smile and laugh with me while I’m working and he is in is bouncer across the room.

We are a happy family, and are doing great.